Long time no see... *grins*
The other day my youngest daughter pulled me kicking and screaming into Joannes. I tried so hard to resist but she was quite insistent. No mom... you will go into joannes and buy fabric she said with a serious look on her face. You will browse and ask my opinion and not take it just like you used to. You will force yourself to buy some fabric and add to your already large stash... you will poke and prod and fondle the fabrics to your hearts content while I stand by watching, waiting patiently.
ok ok... thats a fib... i had to drag her in. The kid is taller then me... and boy it was iffy if I was going to be able to even get her in the door. As she explained to her Aunt Linda who showed up 20 mins later (maddy claims we had been there 45 mins by that time which i completely disagree with) "My mom drags me into fabric stores... looks at all the fabric, finds a pattern she really wants to make, picks out all the fabric... then puts the pattern back and then changes her mind on the fabric and we leave the store 3 hours later with something completely different". She swore after the Indigo incident that she would never ever... ever go into a fabric store with me again. So... i had to resort to bribery... I bought my child something so that I could have 45... i mean 30 ... ummm 20 mins of lovely uninterrupted fabric fondling time...and let me tell you... it was sheer heaven.
So... after bringing my new little lovelies home I decided i wanted to figure out what I was going to do with them right away... as opposed to putting them away and deciding at a later date. I racked my brain trying to think of something just right for the little beauties and it came to me. The lovely little wonky stars we made for the Bushfire Quilt Project, perfect!!!

But... since the last time I blogged... the last time I browsed blogs... the last time i did any kind of projects we have had to replace a computer, email addresses etc and I had none of my old links. Wasn't even quite sure how to access this blog. I couldn't remember the email my blogger account was under or even the name of the blog. (i seriously need to keep a list of blogs/sites/forums I go to with passwords and member names).
Anywaysssss.... in the course of trying to find that pattern we used for the little stars I came across some of my favorite blogs and i realized how very much I missed the blogging community.
So... almost a year later I am back and I cant wait to get started.
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