Spring has arrived. I am so thankful, what a long cold winter it was.
I am working on a few projects, one of them is a knit blanket for a brand
new little nephew that will be born in August. The blanket I made for Jericho, his big brother to be, was pretty... but we
didnt know if Sarah was having a boy or a girl when I chose the yarn, so
I made it from a variegated baby yarn in pale blues, purples and
white. The new blanket is definitely different, it's going to be very bold.
The yarn for Parker's blanket. |
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Jericho's blanket |
Maddy is doing well with the homeschooling. Right now I would say that
World history and Latin are still her favorite classes. We need to start lining up her materials for next year, but I still have
lots of time to find just the right stuff for her. Tentatively
next year she will be taking English, Geometry or Algebra 2, US History,
Latin 2, another lab science as well as some "fun" classes. Fun being
the point... so it will be totally Maddy driven. We have some local art
classes, including stained glass, pottery, as well as things like Karate etc.
She will also be getting a part time job in the fall... and sometime
over the next year will be taking Driver's ed through a local program.
We will also be utilizing a SAT program to help her get ready for that
in the spring of 2014. Her Junior year is going to be a busy busy year for us.
In July, the husband and I will be going on our first vacation (alone without children) in 23 years. A group of our friends, that we met online, get together every year in July for a weekend. This year the stars all aligned and we are able to go. *knock on wood* Its also the year of our 25th wedding anniversary, so we decided to extend our trip past the weekend and visit the area. I am so excited, and nervous, and excited, and just can't wait, and excited...
Eileen has moved into a new place with her young man. He is a full time culinary student as well as a full time sous chef at a local restaurant. Eileen will be returning to college in the fall. She is also working full time as a pharmacy tech at the state's biggest hospital. She is a pretty busy young lady but she knows what she wants to do with her life and is moving herself that direction. I am very excited for her.
Its a lovely day outside... there is a soft breeze and the sun is shining. Its a very nice day and I hope you are having a great day as well.