The husband started his new job today. We got up at 5am and I sent him out the door at 6:30 with a cup of coffee, a lunch and a hearty "good luck and remember to sit with people who make you feel good about yourself." What can I say... I have been saying the same thing to my girls for as long as I can remember and its just habit. He laughed and gave me a big hug.
Then I took the teen to school, we wont talk about or dwell over the fact that the car wouldn't start at first. We had parked it on a hill, and it was only 20 degrees this morning so I am hoping that was the problem. After I dropped her off I drove for probably 30 minutes and stopped a couple of times and then restarted the engine. Seems fine now... but I will continue to go out periodically during the day and check to see if its starting. Why in heavens name would it pick today to give me problems? But like I said... im not going to dwell on it... much.
The niece is having a baby shower on Feb 18 so I need to get hopping on her baby blanket... also find some cute but simple baby things to make online. I have a sewing machine... it should probably be used from time to time eh? hehe
I also want to finally get Maddys quilt done. Its only been a few years ... *sigh* Not sure its still appealing to her but she deserves to have it finished. I also need to make Miss Eileen a no sew fleece blanket... I know she has been wanting one and her birthday is coming up on the 8th. I can't believe she is going to be 22... hell... i remember being that age.
I want to make this the year I get back into my crafts... quilting, sewing, knitting and soap making. I honestly miss all of them.
Here is to starting the new year off right...

I am becoming a PiPster for 2012... learn about it and sign up at Loft Creations